Our IT experts at Roothere have a broad range of competencies, which cater to both Windows PCs and Apple. We continue to adapt, innovate, and implement new technologies to help you improve efficiencies within your workforce and grow.


In the past two years, there has been a significant increase in Apple users in businesses. Up until now, the trend to adopt it in the workplace has no signs of slowing down.

As more companies turn to Apple devices to run their businesses, they are now more likely to be targeted by cyberattacks. And contrary to popular belief, Apples devices are not impenetrable. Unfortunately, most Managed IT Services only provide support for Windows PCs, as these are more widely used.

Roothere’s accomplished and proficient IT team utilizes JAMF dedicated solutions to maintain, monitor, and enhance the features and capabilities that only Apple can provide to growing enterprises.

Our Apple-Only Services

  • JAMF PRO Mobile Device Management (MDM)

    We provide full administration, monitoring, and remote/on-site support to ensure that your JAMF PRO MDM is configured and well-deployed.

    Our services cover from setup and configurations to advanced integrations to different Apple programs.

  • IT Partner

    We partner with your IT department to manage your Apple-only infrastructure. We bring you the solutions while your IT staff can take care of your other systems.

  • Managed Security

    We help you build and strengthen your security measures and make it an everyday practice to prevent compromise to your productivity and ensure business resiliency.

  • Help Desk

    Our friendly customer service personnel will gladly assist with your IT concerns, no matter how simple or complex. From setting up computer workstations to troubleshooting infrastructure services, our comprehensive step-by-step guide will ease your IT burdens.

  • On-site Technical Services

    We assign teams for each project to ensure that every client’s program is set up, maintained, and monitored properly.

Looking for the best IT solution for your business?

In need of reliable technology to increase productivity among your workforce? We have a solution for you!


Los Angeles County
los angeles
Eastern Idaho
Idaho area
Phoenix and surrounding areas
phoenix areas


ROOTHERE IT Services is an American company dedicated to providing technical services to small and medium-sized businesses and home users.

We deploy innovative strategies to fit your business model and daily operations and ensure that your systems and services run as smoothly and securely as possible.
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